
President’s Meeting 2019

Motors of Change:
Libraries and Sustainable Development

23 May • Buenos Aires, Argentina

Image: Juego con líneas y colores (Game with Lines and Colours) 1955, by Esteban Lisa, from the Collection of Jorge Virgili

Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, IFLA President

Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
IFLA President

An Invitation to the IFLA President’s Meeting 2019

I am proud to invite you to my second President’s meeting, which will take place on 23 May 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am particularly happy that we will be meeting in Latin America, a region close to my heart, in a city named after its ‘fair winds’.

I am lucky that the Library of the National Congress of Argentina, host of IFLA’s regional centre, is our partner in this event, and that we have the support of the Mariano Moreno National Library, the Buenos Aires City Government, and of course the Secretary of Culture of Argentina.

Back in 2015, I made ‘libraries, motors of change’ my presidential theme. It was based on a conviction that mobilised, organised and empowered libraries can improve the lives of their communities, and deliver on all of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.

The evidence I have seen during my time as president has only reinforced this belief.

As my time as President draws to an end, I want to share this energy and this commitment to libraries as motors of change. Through unique insights, shared experiences and engaging conversation, I hope to inspire you, just as you have inspired me.

Together, we can ensure that the library field too enjoys fair winds as it builds a strong and successful future.

Gerald Leitner, IFLA Secretary General

Gerald Leitner
IFLA Secretary General

Join Us!

IFLA is at a key moment in its history. Over the past two years, and under the guidance of our President, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, we have not only come to understand that libraries are motors of change, but have also seen important transformations within IFLA itself. 

We are in the process of making our organisation more representative, more responsive, and better able to enable, empower, connect and inspire the global library field. I have been privileged, as Secretary-General, to see so many ideas, so much engagement, such energy invested into building a stronger IFLA through our Global Vision process.

In turn, I believe that this is an IFLA that can provide leadership into the future. The President’s Meeting 2019, I believe, will give us fresh energy, and show the way to a library field that is strong at every level, in every part of the world. 

I look forward to seeing you there!